Name | Image | Rarity | Description |
Abyss Potion | | Common | Purge all cards in your discard pile. |
Alpha Potion | | Common | Shuffle 1Alpha into your Draw Pile. |
Artist's Potion | | Common | Shuffle 2Reflex and 2Tactician into your draw pile. At the start of your turn, discard 1 card. |
Bias Potion | | Common | Gain 5Focus. At the end of each turn, lose 1Focus. |
Blink Potion | | Common | Draw 1 card. Discard up to 3 cards. For each card discarded, gain 1Dexterity. |
Bottle Of Vodka | | Common | Prevent the next time you would lose HP. Shuffle 3Dazed into your draw pile. |
Bottle of Rum | | Common | Gain 3Strength. Lose 1Dexterity. |
Bottled Hope | | Common | Shuffle your discard pile into your draw pile. Draw until you have 5 cards in your hand. |
Bubble Potion | | Common | At the end of each turn, gain 5Block. Lasts util you play 5 more cards, then wears off and gives 2Energy. |
Coolant Vial | | Common | Channel 2Frost. |
Envenomed Coating | | Common | Whenever you deal unblocked damage, inflict 5Poison. Decreases by 1 whenever you play a card. |
Epiphany Potion | | Common | Reduce the cost of all cards in your hand to 1 for the remainder of this combat. |
Faithless Potion | | Common | When you attack target enemy, gain 2Mantra. At the end of each turn, lose 2Mantra. |
Frostheart Potion | | Common | Discard your hand. Gain 2PlatedArmor for each card discarded. |
Fruit Punch | | Common | Gain 2 max HP. Deal 10 damage to target enemy. |
Horror Potion | | Common | Every time you play 2 attacks in one turn, inflict 1Weak and Vulnerable to all enemies. Wears off at the end of the turn if not triggered. |
Iron Compound | | Common | Deal 10 Damage to target enemy. Gain 10Block. |
Louse Decoction | | Common | The next time you take unblocked damage, gain 32Block. |
Midnight Oil | | Common | Scry4. Draw 1 card. |
Moonshine | | Common | Gain 1 Energy at the start of each turn. Lose 1Strength and Dexterity. |
Ninja Potion | | Common | Shivs do 2 more damage. After playing 7 more cards, add 3Shivs to your hand. |
Null Potion | | Common | Whenever you draw a status, draw 1 more cards and deal 3 damage to all enemies. At the start of your turn, shuffle 1Void into your deck. |
Philter Of Motion | | Common | Whenever you play a non-Skill card, gain 2Block. Lasts until you play a Skill. |
Pressure Potion | | Common | Apply 20Mark. All enemies take damage equal to their Mark. |
Relay Potion | | Common | Trigger the passive ability of your rightmost orb 4 times. |
System Wipe | | Common | Evoke all Orbs. |
Bottled Trinity | | Uncommon | Add 1Miracle,1Insight, and 1Safety to your hand. |
Conflaguration Potion | | Uncommon | Gain 5Strength. Shuffle 3Burns into your draw pile. |
Consuming Void | | Uncommon | Lose Orbs Slots until you have 2. For each slot lost, gain 1Energy and 1Focus. |
Corrosion Flask | | Uncommon | Remove all Block from target enemy. |
Enraging Potion | | Uncommon | This turn, whenever you play a Skill, gain 2Strength. At the end of each turn this combat, lose 1Strength |
Hummingbird Potion | | Uncommon | Receive 50% less attack damage. Lasts until you play 5 more cards. |
Plasma Fuel | | Uncommon | Channel 1Energy. Gain 1 Orb Slot. |
Polymorph Potion | | Uncommon | Transform all cards in your hand. |
Pyrophyllite Brew | | Uncommon | Whenever you play a non-Attack card, gain 2Vigor. Lasts until you play an Attack. |
Rememory Potion | | Uncommon | Shuffle a copy of every card in your hand into your Draw Pile. |
Savage Potion | | Uncommon | Inflict 2Weak and Vulnerable on all enemies. Gain 3Frail. |
Smith Potion | | Uncommon | Whenever you play an Attack this turn, gain 1Strength |
Stoneskin Potion | | Uncommon | Lose 3Dexterity. Gain 10PlatedArmor. |
Suffocating Smog | | Uncommon | Whenever you play a card this turn, all enemies take 3 damage. |
Tesla Potion | | Uncommon | Lose 2Strength. Channel 5Lightning. |
True Ectoplasm | | Uncommon | Shuffle 2Apparition and 4Slimed into your Draw Pile. |
Virophage | | Uncommon | When target enemy dies, it does damage to all enemies equal to its max HP. |
Artificer Potion | | Rare | When you play a power, gain 1Artifact. Wears off after playing 2 powers in one turn. |
Creativity Potion | | Rare | Shuffle 3 random Powers into your Draw Pile. |
Empty Bottle | | Rare | Permanently gain 1 potion slot. |
Entrenched Potion | | Rare | Do not remove Block at the end of your next 4 turns. |
Exalted Potion | | Rare | Gain 4Strength and 4Dexterity. The next time you take unblocked damage, permanently gain a Pride. |
Forbidden Fruit Juice | | Rare | Heal until you are at Max HP. Lose 10 Max HP. |
Fruit Preserves | | Rare | Heal until you are at 50% of your max HP. |
Heartbeat Potion | | Rare | You can not take more than 16 damage per turn. Whenever you play a card this combat, take 1 damage. |
Impenetrable Potion | | Rare | Gain 1Metalicize,1PlatedArmor,1Artifct,1Dexterity,1Buffer,1Thorns, and 1Blur. |
Limitless Potion | | Rare | Multiply your Strength by 2. |
Recall Potion | | Rare | Select 2 cards from your discard and add them to your hand. They cost 0 this turn. |