The Blue Laboratory potions

Abyss PotionCommonPurge all cards in your discard pile.
Alpha PotionCommonShuffle 1Alpha into your Draw Pile.
Artist's PotionCommonShuffle 2Reflex and 2Tactician into your draw pile. At the start of your turn, discard 1 card.
Bias PotionCommonGain 5Focus. At the end of each turn, lose 1Focus.
Blink PotionCommonDraw 1 card. Discard up to 3 cards. For each card discarded, gain 1Dexterity.
Bottle Of VodkaCommonPrevent the next time you would lose HP. Shuffle 3Dazed into your draw pile.
Bottle of RumCommonGain 3Strength. Lose 1Dexterity.
Bottled HopeCommonShuffle your discard pile into your draw pile. Draw until you have 5 cards in your hand.
Bubble PotionCommonAt the end of each turn, gain 5Block. Lasts util you play 5 more cards, then wears off and gives 2Energy.
Coolant VialCommonChannel 2Frost.
Envenomed CoatingCommonWhenever you deal unblocked damage, inflict 5Poison. Decreases by 1 whenever you play a card.
Epiphany PotionCommonReduce the cost of all cards in your hand to 1 for the remainder of this combat.
Faithless PotionCommonWhen you attack target enemy, gain 2Mantra. At the end of each turn, lose 2Mantra.
Frostheart PotionCommonDiscard your hand. Gain 2PlatedArmor for each card discarded.
Fruit PunchCommonGain 2 max HP. Deal 10 damage to target enemy.
Horror PotionCommonEvery time you play 2 attacks in one turn, inflict 1Weak and Vulnerable to all enemies. Wears off at the end of the turn if not triggered.
Iron CompoundCommonDeal 10 Damage to target enemy. Gain 10Block.
Louse DecoctionCommonThe next time you take unblocked damage, gain 32Block.
Midnight OilCommonScry4. Draw 1 card.
MoonshineCommonGain 1 Energy at the start of each turn. Lose 1Strength and Dexterity.
Ninja PotionCommonShivs do 2 more damage. After playing 7 more cards, add 3Shivs to your hand.
Null PotionCommonWhenever you draw a status, draw 1 more cards and deal 3 damage to all enemies. At the start of your turn, shuffle 1Void into your deck.
Philter Of MotionCommonWhenever you play a non-Skill card, gain 2Block. Lasts until you play a Skill.
Pressure PotionCommonApply 20Mark. All enemies take damage equal to their Mark.
Relay PotionCommonTrigger the passive ability of your rightmost orb 4 times.
System WipeCommonEvoke all Orbs.
Bottled TrinityUncommonAdd 1Miracle,1Insight, and 1Safety to your hand.
Conflaguration PotionUncommonGain 5Strength. Shuffle 3Burns into your draw pile.
Consuming VoidUncommonLose Orbs Slots until you have 2. For each slot lost, gain 1Energy and 1Focus.
Corrosion FlaskUncommonRemove all Block from target enemy.
Enraging PotionUncommonThis turn, whenever you play a Skill, gain 2Strength. At the end of each turn this combat, lose 1Strength
Hummingbird PotionUncommonReceive 50% less attack damage. Lasts until you play 5 more cards.
Plasma FuelUncommonChannel 1Energy. Gain 1 Orb Slot.
Polymorph PotionUncommonTransform all cards in your hand.
Pyrophyllite BrewUncommonWhenever you play a non-Attack card, gain 2Vigor. Lasts until you play an Attack.
Rememory PotionUncommonShuffle a copy of every card in your hand into your Draw Pile.
Savage PotionUncommonInflict 2Weak and Vulnerable on all enemies. Gain 3Frail.
Smith PotionUncommonWhenever you play an Attack this turn, gain 1Strength
Stoneskin PotionUncommonLose 3Dexterity. Gain 10PlatedArmor.
Suffocating SmogUncommonWhenever you play a card this turn, all enemies take 3 damage.
Tesla PotionUncommonLose 2Strength. Channel 5Lightning.
True EctoplasmUncommonShuffle 2Apparition and 4Slimed into your Draw Pile.
VirophageUncommonWhen target enemy dies, it does damage to all enemies equal to its max HP.
Artificer PotionRareWhen you play a power, gain 1Artifact. Wears off after playing 2 powers in one turn.
Creativity PotionRareShuffle 3 random Powers into your Draw Pile.
Empty BottleRarePermanently gain 1 potion slot.
Entrenched PotionRareDo not remove Block at the end of your next 4 turns.
Exalted PotionRareGain 4Strength and 4Dexterity. The next time you take unblocked damage, permanently gain a Pride.
Forbidden Fruit JuiceRareHeal until you are at Max HP. Lose 10 Max HP.
Fruit PreservesRareHeal until you are at 50% of your max HP.
Heartbeat PotionRareYou can not take more than 16 damage per turn. Whenever you play a card this combat, take 1 damage.
Impenetrable PotionRareGain 1Metalicize,1PlatedArmor,1Artifct,1Dexterity,1Buffer,1Thorns, and 1Blur.
Limitless PotionRareMultiply your Strength by 2.
Recall PotionRareSelect 2 cards from your discard and add them to your hand. They cost 0 this turn.

The Blue Laboratory keywords

Multiword KeywordMake sure the first element in the NAMES is the same as your PROPER_NAME. The rest is to match keywords like the single word keyword.
bluelaboratory:keywordWhenever you play a card, gain 1 dexterity this turn only.